Explore the Safari (Headu)
Re-assemble the puzzle, carefully observe the illustration, and discover the subjects in the savannah. Like a real scientist, you should keep a notebook of comments on the individual discoveries. In addition, by using the magic torch you can also observe what cannot be seen with the naked eye!
World Map Puzzle (Bigjigs)
Explore the countries and continents of the world & discover landmarks, once the puzzle is complete, there is plenty of opportunity for discussion.
Schleich - A Day At The Farm (Coiledspring Games)
Children will love this bright and colourful 40-piece farm setting, along with the two Schleich figures it comes with. Suitable for ages 5+, RRP £8.99.
The World - Atlas and Jigsaw (Usborne Publishing)
Children will love this bright and colourful 40-piece farm setting, along with the two Schleich figures it comes with. Suitable for ages 5+, RRP £8.99.