Belonging to the woodwind family of musical instruments, children’s clarinets produce a remarkably realistic sound, given that their price is far below that of a professional instrument. Kids love getting together with their other musical instruments like clarinets, trumpets, drums or guitars, and creating a cacophony of sound that’s music to their ears, but maybe not their parents!
Bontempi are the leading children’s clarinet maker, and together with all their other toy instruments, kids can almost make a full orchestra or band. Made in strong injection moulded plastic and coloured silver to look like a real metal version, the brightly coloured keys help kids to identify the different notes.
Supplied with some simple music sheets, kids will soon get the hang of making tunes and maybe even giving them the interest to keep learning an instrument when they get to school age. There are plenty of kid’s toy clarinets to buy, and whilst they may be perceived as not quite so ‘cool’ as a guitar or keyboard, they are still an important part of any orchestra. Their unique sound has many fans all over the world, and once the basics have been mastered at a young age, children soon become proficient at clarinet playing throughout their lives.
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